Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Kaxinawa
Core Information about Cumaru de Cheiro
Overall Description
### A wonderful rapeh that induces a profound and loving meditative state. It is perfect to use in either nostril, as it sends me immediately into a deep meditation, feeling love for the whole world. It connects me to the Spirit and helps activate my chakras. Although there may be some mind-chatter during the ceremony, it's generally a good peaceful experience overall. It's one of the more powerful rapehs I have tried - incredibly calming and relaxing. It's a great blessing and a lovely way to start the day. Overall, I highly recommend this blend to anyone looking for a potent rapeh.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
A lovely deep meditation to start my long weekend, and I'm blessed.
A blessed meditation and Cumaru de Cheiro was really gorgeous. Just what I needed.
I already feel so relaxed this morning after a very intense ambil meditation, but this further brought peace, and I feel so calm and positive.
A lovely peaceful meditation and I feel truly blessed.
A wonderful combination of Moy Cumaru and Cumaru de Cheiro brought a deep meditation, and I feel truly blessed.
I only had a small amount of Murici, because the bottom part of my stone kuripe has fallen off, and I didn't realise it was falling through the bottom. Regardless, it was still so calming, even in this small amount. Cumaru de Cheiro was truly profound. An amazing and such loving rapé. I feel so calm and at peace with All That Is.
What a truly amazing rapé Murici is. It could easily rise to be my best. I had a truly profound and very loving meditation and life is so good. I'm sending love to the world.
What a beautiful meditation, clearing my mind and raising my energies. I'm coming to terms with many things in my life and learning to put my life into the hands of the Divine.
What a lovely calming meditation and I feel so blessed for my weekend and week ahead.
Such a loving meditation. I love threse three rapés in the morning.
Cumaru de Cheiro was very rough, but very potent and brought peace. Some difficult few days and weeks behind me, but I'm putting my life into the hands of the divine.
Mulata was truly profound and so loving. The right nostril combination was surprisingly a little bit subdued, but overall such a peaceful and positive ceremony.
It was such a quiet and calming meditation that filled me with hope and love. I feel truly blessed.
Cumaru de Cheiro immeditately brought a sense of deep peace and wellbeing, and this continued on. I'm so thankful for getting over yesterday's food (cashew) poisoning so quickly, and I feel amazing.
Mulata is so amazing, so loving, so profound. Overall a deep meditation and I feel so positive for everything!
I opened my two new vials from of this Cumaru and Cumaro de Cheiro, and they were both very calming and loving, especially the latter. I feel amazing and so at peace.
The right nostril was quite rough and caused mucus with rapé in my throat a little, but overall a very good meditation and I feel so calm and at peace.
A lovely peaceful meditation and a nice combination of Cumaru de Cheiro with Madre.
Just what I needed to clear my mind and energies.
Suave Luz was again very mild, but Cumaru de Cheiro was relly profound. I haven't had this in a long time, but that will change. A lovely end to my busy day.
A good meditation with some mild mind-chatter. I feel so relaxed.
Yet again, I had trouble getting the rapé out of the Kuripe for my right nostril. I really need to give it a thorough clean. A peaceful meditation but shallow.
Veia de Paje must be one of the strongest rapés I have, bringing such a profound meditative state. It's been a long time since I've had Cumaru de Cheiro, and it too is profound. What a blessing and a lovely start to my week.
Wow, Cumaru Grey was really profound on this one. Maybe it's just an excellent left-nostril rapé. A beautiful profound meditation after a busy few hours.
Two potent rapés, and I'm really impressed by this Mulateiro. A very profound meditation.
Today is a good day for doing rapé ceremonies! Such profound love and gratitude from these two potent blends.
A surprisingly good meditation for this time in the morning. Extremes is a really good idea for the left nostril, setting the stage perfectly, bringing deep love and calm.
Cumaru de Cheiro was really quite profound and loving. Some mind-chatter, but a good peaceful ceremony overall.
Another quite subtle and tricky morning ceremony, but I held the line and I feel good afterwards.
It was hampered by a little mind-chatter, but it was nice and calming and I feel good.
A lovely ceremony and just what I needed. I went deep with both these wonderful cumaru-based rapés, and felt such love, especially for my dear mum.
A really interesting combination with some Clarity 7,0 in the right nostril. I'll try this again. It brought about an even deeper meditation than normal, and was just so loving and connected. I feel really good.
This was a very good ceremony. Even Visionary was lovely. I tried Cumaru de Cheiro for the first time in a while - it gave a profound meditation. Some mind-chatter, but perhaps not too much.
This ceremony was just what I needed to really clear out the negative energy and put my mind completely at ease. I felt love and peace. Beautiful.
This was a beautiful meditation. I was filled with love and light and feel hopefully and fantastic!
I haven't tried Cumaru de Cheiro in a while, and it's a good left-nostril rapé. Madre is also brilliant, and brought deep peace.
A pleasant calming meditation that was more than the sum of its parts. I felt a deep sense of peace and love.
Force was a little milder than expected, but the right nostril, with Cumaru de Cheiro, was amazing. I haven't tried this one for a while. It made my body feel light. A good loving ceremony.
Cumaru de Cheira is a lovely rapé, bringing a peaceful feeling of love. Mulata was surprisingly a little bit mild, but I felt at peace.
A lovely calming effect from the left nostril, deepened by the Portal in the right. I feel ready now for the afternoon!
A good complement to the first incredible ceremony in this sequence. A mild meditation but very pleasant aftereffect. I feel really good.
A pleasant second ceremony following an amazing one. Milder but a good addition to the first. Relaxing.
Yes, it really does seem as if 7 Plantas is only a very mild rapé, but the Cumaru de Cheiro brought about a deep meditation that was incredibly calming and relaxing. I barely wanted to leave the meditation! I feel very much at leace in the aftereffect.
I underestimated Xina at first, but it's an excellent blend. A little milder than some of the stronger varieties, but it sent me into meditation quickly. The right nostril mixture really sent me into a great ceremony, where I could feel my chakras strongly.
I don't know why I don't get much from Warrior+ (as it's a similar blend to Warrior Princesse), but this was one of the better ceremonies with it. Cumaru de Cheiro this is an excellent rapé and sent me into a deep relaxed and meditative state. I feel fantastic afterwards and ready for the day!
The Cumaru de Cheiro is truly an excellent rapé. It sent me immediately into a deep meditation, feeling love for the whole world. This was deepened by Putanny. Surprisingly, the sensation subsided a little too quickly, but it was beautiful.
Another beautiful ceremony! The mixture in the left nostril was fairly potent, sending me in a relaxing state, and the two Kaxinana blends in the right were truly beautiful! I had lots of tears, and I felt the darkness in the world alchemising into love, light and peace.
I think it would have been better to have done the Cumaru de Cheiro in the left nostril and the Uricuri in the right nostril, because the first one gave a really deep relaxing spiritual effect, whereas the second one was mild. Nevertheless, a good experience, if a little mind-chatter.
This was just a lovely experience that I didn't want to end! It was a second dosage in a sequence of two, and I complemented the first perfectly. Also a perfect temperature.Just feeling so good right now!
Despite a relatively small amount in each palm, the two rapés complemented each other perfectly, bringing a profound feeling of live and connectedness with a perfect aftereffect sensation.